Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My cuzzin is in the hospital why?

i have been hearing all theese reports about my cuzzin (rudy guiliani) being in the hospital! why? they always say why but then i have 2 leave the room!! and im not making this up!!!!!!!!!!!! i even have proof!! PLEASE TELL M WHY!!!!!!!!!!! BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS/5 STARS

WOW! Dallas Mavericks kicking some serious Spurs tale! Are the Mavericks really this good?

Mavericks have got it going on. I think the spurs are looking old. poor spurs. maybe they can trade for Kobe.

If i got a B+ on the midterm and a B- on paper, what do i need on final to at least get a ping grade of C?

im in community college and my art history teacher doesnt grade by percentage, she only has three grades for the entire semester, a Midterm, a paper and a final. If i got a B+ on the Midterm which counts for 25%, a B- on the paper which counts for 25%, and the final is 35%. what would i need on the final to at least get a ping grade of C in the cl ? please help, would love to know before my final.... :)


3. working conditions at this time were simply horrendous. most people would come to work and work for many hours, often without breaks. some employees were even locked in the factory or even the room in which they were working. the temperature was not often controlled, so the rooms could be insanely hot or very cold.

Why would my anaerobic output be more than my aerobic?

in our lab we did an anaerobic and an aerobic experiment. our ethanol results were almost even, but the anaerobic co2 out put was 800 ml more than the aerobic. how could this happen?

Infant car seat that will fit in the back of a 89 Honda Prelude?

Has anyone found a rear facing infant seat that will fit in the back seat of a 1989 Honda Prelude? I received a Graco Snugride Travel System as a baby shower gift and I cant fit it in the back seat. The only way I can fit it is if the front seat is folded down. And I'm sure that can't be safe because the seat could come flying back and smash into the car seat. It would fit in the middle of the back seat but there is no middle buckle. I guess its legal to have car seats in the front seat in my state if you don't have air bags but, it seems pretty unsafe to me. Can you even install a car seat properly in bucket seat? Should I remove the front seat so it will fit? I wont be driving with the baby very often, so I dont really want to buy a new car. Im taking more than a few months off of work and live in a area where its easy to walk places.

White chocolate hershey kisses?

I'm wondering did hershey's ever make white chocolate kisses.Not the hugs or the ones with peppermint? If so where could i get them

Lady macbeth... what do we learn about her?

in act 1 scene 5, what do we learn about lady macbeth... I understand she considers herself more brave than macbeth, she is very convicing and there any else I should understand from this scene?

Does Kenny Lofton only have himself to blame for his postseason woes?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

American Idol voting rigged??

Why is this such a big deal anyway? Who cares who won? Kris won, and frankly, I think he deserved it just as much as Adam. Kris wasn't as praised as Adam was throughout the whole season, but it's not his fault, and that doesn't make him any less deserving of his Idol win. I think people need to get over the fact Adam didn't win. Adam is extremely talented and would have done extremely well whether he came in 1st or 5th. Kris Allen won, and I'm glad he did!

W15: Start 1 of the following: Larry Johnson, Sammy Morris, or Warrick Dunn ?

Although I like Dunn better, I would chose L. Johnson. San Diego's Defense hasn't been amazing this year.

Did Moses foretell Muhammed in Deuteronomy?

No, and nor did he prophesy about Joseph Smith either. In Deuteronomy 18, Moses only prophecied about Jesus. This is proved by what we read in John 1:43-51 when Jesus is identified as the One whom Moses spoke about.

Adult webcam shows without showing your face?

Just out of curiousity, is it possible to get involved in a without showing your face and make money from home? Like a webcam show? How much does this pay?

A man has been harring me for 10 years,was prosecuted years ago & was allowd take court for contact order?

He then abused our son as he did me,He gaind parental responsibility.withdrew his application as he would have got found out,now he's slandered me to social worker,she feels sorry for him,nobody believes me,now my son is on at risk register as they sat im mentally abusing him stopping c his dad.he has a new harrasment warning,but sits in these meetings being have disclosed our address.I am complaing officially,HOW CAN I GET RID OF HIM??Hes hurt me & son now

Motherboard + graphic card?

you will have to look into the motherboard booklet or at the motherboard itself and see if it has a PCI-Ex16 slot if it does then it can be used, it may be taken up by another video card but you can just take it out and put that one in.

Where is Da Vinci's horse currently standing?

We had a full scale replica of the horse standing outside the Tech Museum in San Jose, CA while the exhibition Leonardo 500 hundred years to to the future was at the museum until March 09. Then it was returned to Italy with the exhibit. I heard recently though that is was in Chicago

What is that movie with leonardo dicaprio...?

where leonardo dicaprio plays a mentally retarded boy. & his sister takes care of him...and the girl has a baby at a young age and the mother says its hers? & at the end leonardo dicaprio gets in a fight with a guy thinking that he was helping his sister? Soory i dont remember much about the movie? if you know what the name of it is, please tell me!

Ranger fans CJ, Benoit, or Littleton for closer in 2008..........?

I personally want to see CJ Wilson get the shot first I seen him pitch multiple times this season and he was lights out

Cramps in early pregnancy?

It is normal especially around the time you were supposed to get your is almost as though your entire body didn't get the memo you were pregnant but will soon fade and then they will come back when your uterus starts to grow. Joys of pregnancy.

Someone owing me money declared bankruptcy (Ohio)?

I think it means that you aren't going to get your money back. Which proves that you should never loan money to friends or relatives!

Question about Roller Derby?

I think Sweet Plea is cuter cause I like names that are puns or plays on words. But I might be missing the joke on Baby Ache. ^_-

Can i say what i think of someone online without getting in trouble?

This girl is creating rumours about me since i'm going out with her ex boyfriend. And i want to post something on her wall to her. I've read before that if you don't say for example someone is a *****, but you say that in your opinion she is, you can't get in trouble. I need ways to get around this slander law and stuff. Because she has before and will again take things to the deans or principals. Thanks!

A Brit Royal question?

If the uncle of queen Elizabeth couldn't follow as a king due to the fact he had married a divorced woman, how can Charles turn a King once he maried a divorced woman, Camilla. I wonder someone could clear it to me.

Rephrase in formal English?

Rigorous comprehension and innermost instincts are the aspects of inquiry that archeologists must engage in when they examine unexplored facets of new artifacts.

What were the effects of Exploration on Africa, the Americas, and Europe?

Choose a region to focus on and list specific effects. Take into consideration the Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade routes, colonialism, and mercantilism.

Easy Ten Points! How?

I go to a really big church (New Life Church) and my youth group is around 500 people. Basically, we do worship with a band (Desperation Band) for about an hour and then we sit down and listen to our pastor. There is a guy that I see every week when I go who always worships in the same area that I do. It's such a big church that I don't even think he notices me. However, I might be interested in getting to know him more. What do I do to get his attention? I'm pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people. So when would be a good time to say hi? I think it's a bit awkard if someone says hi randomly? So... what are some excuses to use to talk to him or what can I do to get his attention?

How old do I have to be to do kickboxing?

When I'm 22 I wanna be an MMA fighter but my dad told me since I'm eleven that I have to do stuff like jiu-jitsu, kickboxing or muay thai; basically be a martial artist to do MMA when I grow up. I first wanna do kickboxing but I need to do it at the right age.

Find the pH of this solution?

Convert .005 g of HCl to mol HCl. Then find molarity of solution (mol HCl)/.120 L. Since HCl is a strong acid, Molarity of HCl=Molarity of H+ ion. Then use pH=-log(Molarity of H+).

I think we have just seen a ghost?

Well you should be happy that he left.... For if what you stated is true then what you experiences is a lost soul that was trying to get direction to some one that was lost during his life time... Now Can you tell me something about the clothing that he was wearing and did they look modern or did they look like the early 1900 or even earlier ...... Did he communicate in perfect english or did he communicate with an Accent... The reason I am asking you these questions is because it will help us research how often does this type of even happens in your neighborhood.......... And find out who this spirit is within a 10 year period of time..........

Christians, isn't it sad that the Aztecs believed in such superstitious nonsense?

Yes those virgins and their blood sacrifices were their salvation. --- Hmm? It seems like I have heard of a current day religion that still believes that a blood sacrifice is the salvation for them. .... .

Black male here taking a stand for white chicks. Why have white women been taking the heat when it's white men?

We talk about white privilege this and the era of anti-black atrocities from the 1500s through the 1970s but slavery was institutionalized and come up with by white government. Lest we not forget however that ism was going on and FEMALES were not allowed in governmental affairs. That includes white women. White women had no say in any of that. White males popularized it and what they say goes. White females had absolutely no say. White men decided it was ok and I'm sure being close-knit families some of their women wanted to stand by them and support them even though it was wrong but still some leeway needs to be given. White women couldn't even vote so they weren't the ones responsible for voting for slavery to be ok. White women don't have white privilege in many ways because of all the discrimination females receive. White women in the media are portrayed horribly: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Rosie O'Donnell, etc. It's the white males that get this privilege. David Letterman cheated on his wife and wasn't given even half as bad a backlash as Tiger Woods. Hell, he was seen as the good guy because he came out about it just to rat someone who blackmailed him out. Joe Wilson who interrupted the president during an important congressional meeting wasn't given even half as bad of a backlash and didnt' receive all the slurring Kanye West did for interrupting a teenage girl during an award show. Although the media sends this message that white women are the prettiest, that they'll also have to be anorexic and never eat as well as suntan which damages white skin.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blue screen, dump of physical memory on dell computer?? HELP!?

Since you moved your computer I can guarantee its a loose connection. Take the cover off and push all of the circuit boards together and check the connections.

Any site where i can check the grammatical errors in a sentence ?? or any book which culd help me?

i am from north india which is a predominantly hindi speaking belt not many ppl with the kno how in english language..

Why are so many people martyrs and do they make it bad for the rest of us in a society with limited safety net?

The safety net in this country is very limited because of a serious overpopulation of 308,000,000, not including the 20-30 million illegal aliens. On top of that we have so many troglodyte Republicans who would eliminate all entitlement programs completely if they had their way and let everyone starve who can't pull themselves by their bootstraps, the horrible expression used as a euphemism for the law of the jungle. In fact the Republicans gave the social safety net the misnomer entitlement programs, as if mere survival is not something we're entitled to. Do martyrs ruin it for everyone else who works hard but isn't a masochist with no fear of death? Martyrs are insane unless they're saving a nation like Gandhi or Mandela. And martyrdom is not just a byproduct of overwhelming work overload. It goes to the next level where people think that death is an escape and not an agonizingly painful extinction. Thoughts on this irrational country which simply will not define itself and still officially operates under the reckless disregard of a nonsystem of unbridled capitalism.

Advantages and Disavantages of Roller Rockers?

Im looking into getting a chevy 350. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having roller rockers or even a full roller? This would be for a demolition derby car so torque is more of a priority than HP :) Any links would be great to thanks in advance to everyone who replies.

Will he change.... ever?

ppl cn change! maybe nw tht hes gttn married due to it bein arrangd he realizd he wants ta b in love wih smeone he marrys! &he steo aftr a yr finds tht in yur bestfriend..

Who are you? Not what, but who?

What I am is a, white male of northern Germanic decent, father of two, who works in a factory. Who I am is a, Heathen, biker. But who are you? Not what, but Who?

Cliff Floyd or Endy Chavez?

let Floyd start, but he comes out EVERY game after his 3 or so ab's for defensive replacement Chavez

Is batista vs. jbl likely for no mercy?

i'd like to see them go at it again... they aren't extremely good in the ring... but they are 2 big men in body build and it would be fun to see them clash one more time! what about at no mercy?

Have any current AFL players expressed interest in playing for Gold Coast, West Sydney or even Tasmania?

We know all about the licences for teams 17 and 18 but seriously, how can they ask people to support or sponsor a team when we don't even know who they are going to be, much less the calibre of players they are? I know that there is no other way for them to go about it but it's almost the same as being asked to tip a side to win without knowing which players will be in.

What is the cause of this Hidden Trauma?

it would help you to join a support group online of adults with similar experiences. Try Good luck!

Can you get your cat out of your Christmas tree without wrecking the lights and ornaments?

Haha, I love that cats like to climb christmas trees so much. Once I got mine to jump down by holding an opened can of tuna fish and waving it around in front of her, then setting it down on the floor. No lights or ornaments were hurt.

I need to write a farewell leaving speech for the day of my prom, any ideas?

i am head in prom committee and head girl... i am the person who has to write a sad farewell speech and i dont know what to write as i have gone blank... any ideas on how to start and what to consider in putting in there.

MCR fans can you help?

Can someone please find me the pictures from the photo shoot where MCR dressed up as the characters from A Clockwork Orange?

Bunny respiratory infection?

I just got a new bunny, he's a 3 month old Holland Lop. I noticed that he's been making congested noises and he's been sneezing quite a bit. His nose is not very runny, but I'm pretty sure he has some sort of upper respiratory infection. I don't know how long he's had it- I think a few days. Will he be okay if I can't get him to the vet until Saturday?

What are some signs you're addicted to Y!A....... ????

Hey! we Y!A addicts prefer the term "pion" not "obsession" i mean come on, it's perfectly normal to answer random strangers' questions until 11:00

Will steelers cover that 14.5 tonight?

Oh, yes dude!!! Against the hapless Carolina Panthers? Easily. Roethlisberger will have a ball tonight.

What is this style of belt buckle called?

web belt buckle. and i know for a fact that they sell them at ies stores cause thats where i got mine for my uniform

What's the best site for free movie downloads?

I don't want to burn movies, just download and watch and then delete. I was told Ares is good....anything better??

Whats the rules for client / lawyer confidentiality?

A Lawyer shared an interview disk with a person/persons outside of the judicial system before he shared with defendant

Any good humor movies like Harold and Kumar, or Little Miss sunshine?

There's something about Mary is hilarous!!! Dodgeball and Anchorman are also up there in the simple, but funny category.

Wi-Fi Internet?.?

What you do is hook the wi-fi box into your router, and then hook your existing computer into the wi-fi box. So no, your current internet doesn't change. Wi-fi is like wiring an internet wire to another room without drilling through walls.

Why did the GOP nominate another silver spooned brat who graduated at the bottom of his cl?

The only difference between McCain and Bush is that McCain is a little more articulate. They voted identically 90% of the time.

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen?

This Lullaby is so good, I read it awhile ago so I can't tell you when exactly it starts getting good but definitely stick with it, its one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books!


What a waste of time. Why not just join an NFL pick'em group? Or are you wanting a group of strangers to pick'em for you?

Determine the average atomic m of the element. Identify the element.?

68.9257 amu is the m of 60.4% of the atoms of an element with only two naturally occurring isotopes. The atomic m of the other isotope is 70.9249 amu.

What could possibly happen if this law is p?

reward those who send photos by any means about law violators from the percentage of the penalty . Sender would remain anonymous, the reward can be withdrawn in any network tru cellphone accounts.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Questions at RB for Week 13?

you have too many good rb in your team. you should make some trade in return for some other weak position. but anyways. go with peterson and brown

Who was a better in-ring performer: Shawn Michaels or Chris Benoit?

i would say Shawn Michaels of course. He left his heart and soul in the ring. He's the show stopper because even if he lost a match, it was still a great match non the less. Look at WrestleMania XX. The triple threat match between Chris Beniot, HHH, and HBK.

Is the following sentence correct? How to refine the sentence?

"By 2005, when it was formed, so-and-so has mainly focused on offshore outsourcing software development. So-and-so was registered as a company in 2008, and hires 8 full time employees and a number of temporary employees."

I'm actually scared...Are these pregnancy symptoms?!?

Well, some of the symptoms sound like pregnancy and others sound like the flu. How long has this been going on? Because if you have to pee every 30 minutes and its been going on for more than four days then if you had the flu you would certainly would've seen an improvement in your symptoms. The sinking feeling...well, that could be a pregnancy symptom because i've never heard of it in the flu...and especially a sinking long does that sinking feeling last? does it rise or just keep sinking? The darkening though is in fact a pregnancy symptom since that means that they are preparing to nurse your young. (i.e. milk.) If they keep going on though, go see a doctor.

The Question of Hijab: Suppression Or Liberation?

It's really sad that those are your ideas of liberation. They are definitely not mine. And, just to remind you, there are women in the world who do not wear the hijab and do not do whatever you have listed. The power of having a choice, now that's liberation to me.

How many minutes are in a MB for phone usage?

Just trying to figure out about how many minutes on the phone internet will equal a MB. For some reason I I think 1 minute = 1 MB. But I know thats wrong. Does anyone know how cell phone companys determine MB to minutes usage.

What am i supposed to do now?

answer my question that's what:a href=""…/a

Who is the most beautiful man in the univers ?

Not Muhammad. If he was, there would be no reason for him to force a six/seven year old to marry him.

Should body scanners be as common as cctv to deter Islam extremist terrorists?

I think it is a great idea. Prevents anything from sneaking through, even more so that the security we have now.

Why do so many celebrities go by there middle name?

I'd say because most of their first names are kind of common. When you're famous, you want to be unique, because it helps you stand out and be remembered.

*Can a cat get dehydrated & lose it's hair?*?

We have several cats in our home! The first cat we acquired is all black and has had an on-going issue with hair loss. Over the last few months the other cats have been losing their hair as well. The hair loss is primarily on their legs and backsides. One cat did end up losing some on the sides of her belly. I first wondered if the cat with the initial issues has some kind of disease or something that causes hair loss and had ped it along to the others? One day it hit me that maybe they weren't getting enough fluids and could be losing their have because of it?! I have a vet visit scheduled for the yearly stuff in about a month. In the meantime... What do you think?

The most ridiculous male celebrity?

Who else is completely burnt out on Kevin Federlines' arrogant stupid and wish he'd give it up and vanish all ready? Aside from marrying Brit, what has he done (and NOONE give me his "music carreer!)

If I choose to be child free by choice for medical reasons, am I better off alone so I don't hurt anyone?

No your not better off alone. He obviously loves you hes there for you and supports you. If you have discussed this and he agrees with you that's what matters, if someday you decide you want children there are plenty of alternatives. Having somebody to come home to that loves you and understands you is the best in the world. I'm sure he feels that way so it would be taking that away from him to, the love of his life. You also don't want to what if for the rest of your life and decide after its to late. I hope this helps

Do you think Vera could be a nickname for the name Veronica?

Definitely. At least it makes sense to me. I'm not really a fan of the name Veronica, but Vera seems to make me like it a bit more. It works nicely as a nickname in my opinion. :)

Why can't I let it go? Please answer!?

I know this is going to sound super childish but I am having so much difficulty forgiving and forgetting. Me and my boyfriend have been together 2 years now and like most couples we had problems , his ex's came into our relationship and messed up the trust between me and him , for awhile I was fine and just dealing with the betrayal feeling, but for the past 2 weeks I have been in emotional HELL I am so angry and I feel all the pain from what happened as if it happened yesterday, I feel insecure and emotionally vulnerable and that's just not who I am. I have never acted like this in a relationship EVER and I don't understand why I can't forgive and just forget about it , he is sorry and has done everything to prove that. He treats me wonderful now but I just keep getting these bi-polar mood swings lol I know I need to stop this because I'm starting to take it out on him, has anyone ever been through something like this? Can anyone give me advice on how to go about situations like this?

Would this look okay? Uggs with skiny jeans?

I know a lot of my friends still wear their UGGS with jeans. Mostly they would wear them with a sweatshirt or a long shirt over some leggings and no like sort of pants just the leggings. and I would get tall ones and either black or gray.

100m times?

Hey, i was just ondering if anyone knows what is a good 100m time for under 20 age group? I ran 100m when i was younger and was clockin times of 12.54 when i was U15. I am now looking at re-joining athletics after a long injury, i am 19 and havnt ran for 3 years! What is an average or good 100m time for club runners? Its not going to put me off going back but i am interestied to know what i'm up against....Cheers

Help with what may or may not be my FIRST period!?

probably is. Even to this day when I start I bleed a little bit the first day and then the blood begins, seeing as this is your first period it may start out very light, just like you described. Like the other poster said, put a pad on and tell your mom.

!!!!!! PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!?

n English, write about two regional dishes from Colombia. Be sure to include the name of the dish, the origins (if known), and the ingredients that make up that dish.

Christmas Decorations for our troops?

Today my son and I went to a local craft store to buy my husband Christmas decorations to send in a care package this week. My husband is an aid station medic in Afghanistan, and he likes to dress up the aid station with all the different holidays. A lady in line noticed my basket full of decorations and made a comment that I was loading up early. I said I was mailing them to my husband overseas and they woman just went off on me! Saying that I shouldn't send Christmas decorations because they are offensive, not everyone celebrates Christmas, and just got plain nasty with me. My husband is over fighting for our freedom and he can't even have Christmas decorations? All it was was some lights, an snow man looking advent calender, some garlen and a make your own ginger bread house...How is that going to be offensive to our troops?

OMG I <3 Wildfire!!!!?

OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT TO START!!! i have been waiting for the next season all year!!! i think it would be so cool if it was junior in the car..and it would be awsome if it was kris he married...i was so shocked at the ending last year with the race and everything!!

A question about where I work, do you think this is fair?

Fair...maybe not. But when you work in a service role (waitress, movie theater concession stand, customer service operator, etc.) you are being paid by the company to provide a pleasant experience for all of their customers...even the jerks. I would recommend a job where you have less contact with the public...making these kinds of encounters less likely.

What exactly is anorexia?

I don't know if other people mentioned this, but the main difference between anorexia and bulimia is you weight. In order to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa you have to be at 85% of you expected weight, while most people that are bulimic are around average weight.

How Long Does Cooked Pasta Last In The Refrigerator?

Just pasta, no sauce or anything. Can you freeze cooked pasta? Does it become runny when you thaw it out?

TTC after 1 year...what now?

We have been TTC for about a year. I have abnormal periods, but my family doc said its still possible to get PG. He also told me to start taking Folic Acid. So its been almost a year, should I try getting referred to a gyno dr. now to see if we can get something to speed things up? Not sure what to do from here, but I know my mom had to have fertility drugs TTC with me, is it hereditary?

I don't like talking to people...?

Your not alone! That happens to me all the time and specially talking on the phone all my friends know i dont talk on the phone im a texter if i talk to someone on the phone is very rare and if i call someone it has to be that i like them very much otherwise never gonna happen! lol i dont know what might me your reason to be that way but maybe if you hear mine you can relate. I feel like im not a very good talkative person so like there isnt much i can say over the phone plus i like to think before i give an answer thats why im a texter because i can take all the time in the world lol but even sometimes i just dont feel like texting reason why sometimes i like my alone time i like to focus on what im doing and if someone is texting me its hard also im reserved and quiet the only reason i would want to text or call someone is if im really close to them and i just like talking to them also sometimes i feel im going to say something stupid or i hate having nothing to say but its weird cuz in person i cant never stfu!!!! lol So are you talkative? shy? do you keep things to yourself? those maybe some of the reasons why your like that but its perfectly normal hun dont even trip =]

What are the top 5 songs mostly played on your iPod?

well, all i have on my mp3 players is hinder, buckcherry, black stone cherry and lynam. i dont' skip songs (unless my kid is in the car, then i have to skip a couple of buckcherry lol) so it'd be all of them. although my kid does ask for hinder more than the others

Guys plz read, and tell me if you would date me!!!?

Well honestly the key traits for me are that you play the piano, i just love the sound of it, and is an instrument im learning to play, the choir is amazing as well cause i started about the same time but having a beautiful voice is always good cooking is a great trait to but that's cause im always cooking through school, and then your personality i love that you are sweet and nice the smart i don't care much for caused id be with you either way funny is good to have to make your lover laugh i love animals as well so that's great and being connected with them makes you seem just that more cuter, brown hair is a great color but that's me being a great friend is essential because i would need to be able to have fun with you as a friend before so i know that as a Bf i can still have fun with you and spend the same if not more time with you, honestly your amazing i don't see why people wouldn't date you, i would rate your personality a 9/10 because nobody is perfect and you didn't reflect on your bad area, witch everyone has you seem very confident and that's great, Yes i would go out with you

Is this dress to formal for a middle school farewell?

ermm idk its a little bit more formal than what i would wear to a middle school thing. but then again im not in middle school, try seeing what your friends are wearing

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How much is this rolex worth.?

I have a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Daydate model; in the pictures i've seen online, all roman numerals are shown. In the one i have, the roman numeral 12 (XII) is cut off by the day of the week. I'd appreciate more info about the watch itself also. Thank you

Are they making a fourth starship troopers movie?

i always liked the starship troopers movies and i just finished watching the 3rd movie starship troopers 3 marauder and i want them to make another one because i want to see jonny kick some bug @$$ with his marauder suit

Last minute Running back advice?

RICE. But a tough question, man. Smith hasn't proven himself yet (he killed me last year). Rice is a sure thing or as close to one as you can get. Smith will be amazing one of these days, but he's too risky in Week 1, especially against a team that wants to set an example in their first game. DET will be eviscerated. Rice has a favorable match-up against DAL's run-D and should be good for roughly a 100 yards and a TD. Wait on Smith for another week or two until you know what he can do on a regular basis. You already know what Rice is consistently capable of.

In electronics is it customary to define the potential of ground (thinking of the earth as a large conductor)?

as zero. is this consistent with the fact that the earth has a net electric charge that is not zero?

Can anyone help me with the answer and solution to this Finance question?

A company is considering the purchase of a new machine that will reduce manufacturing costs by $5,000 annually. The company will use the MACRS accelerated method to depreciate the machine, and it expects to sell the machine at the end of its 5-year operating lifefor $10,000. The company expects to be able to reduce net operating working capital by $15,000 when the machine is installed, but requireed net operating working capital will return to its original level when the machine is sold after 5 years.The company's marginal tax rate is 40%, AND IT USES A 12% WACC to evaluate projects of this nature. The applicable depreciation rates are 20%, 32%, 19%, 12%, 11%, and 6%.f the machin costs $60,000,what is the project's NPV?


Probably because this is not Europe. If you grow your interest in History of India, you will know that West Bengal (in India) & Bangladesh are like the two sides of ribs divided by a sternum.

How can Islam claim Mohammed was a prophet, in line with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus?

The same way Judaism and Christianity claim all of the above. Pure faith. How can anybody claim anything in religion without proof. Were you there when Moses parted the Red Sea? Were you there when Jesus ascended into heaven? You ume right because it was written in the Bible, nobody can have a lucid argument with you.

What bands/artists do you listen to?

Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Anthrax, Manic Street Preachers, Korn, White Stripes, Dead Kennedys, Pistols, Metallica, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth, Pixies, My Chemical Romance, Weezer, Jane's Addiction, Marilyn Manson, Ministry, Muse, Mudhoney, Oasis, Blur, Placebo, Queens Of The Stone Age, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Beastie Boys, Deftones, Public Enemy

Is this country losing its religious freedom?

Technically religious freedom should apply to lack thereof too.Of course an extremist such as Jerry Falwell will not see things this way.I am a Christian and can safely say Jerry Falwell was a nutcase.If you can take the time to note that a character on a kids television show is a "gay symbol", you have taken things too far.

My Hair simply doesn't grow.?

Use flat beer to help prevent spit ends do it once or 2 times a month put it straight on your hair, wrap it in a towel for 1 to 2 hours and rinse out.Brush your hair gently with preferably wooden brushes to increase hair growth. Never brush the hair when it is wet. If one wants to grow hair, trim the hair once every month, just the tips will do. Try a href="" rel="nofollow"http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blo.c…/a for more details.

Why does everyone consider evan bourne wwe?

okay my first question about this people misunderstood what i said and though i didint think bourne had talent which he does but what im saying is most people consider him like wwe made him which is untrue he made himself in other promotions like roh as matt sydal people dont consider cm punk wwe made they consider him indy made so why do people think he was made by wwe. you wouldnt consider booker t as wwe made since wcw made him so why evan bourne

Why are white Brits not taking action against these animals?

The Blackburn MP has called on the Pakistani community to be "more open" about the issue after describing about a "specific problem" involving young Pakistani men's attitudes towards white girls. He was speaking after two Asian men were jailed after subjected a series of vulnerable girls to s and ual aults. Abid Mohammed Saddique, 27, was jailed for a minimum of 11 years at Nottingham Crown Court and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat, 28, was told he must serve at least eight years before being considered for release.

What used Schwinn road bike should I get? ?

I need a bike for Triathlons but don't have much money to spend. What's the basic difference between Schwinn Varsity, Super Sport, Prelude, Sprint, Continental, etc? Which would be good for me? I'm 5'11" light build and a good mechanic.

What the Name of this Movie?

"Eagle Eye" heres the trailer a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why can't I find canned oysters not in cotton seed oil?

cotton seed oil is the worst oil for us because of all the pesosides and other chemicials they use to grow it


First you only have symptoms like a month or more after you conceive, but to be sure you can go to the nurse office at your school and ask them to give you another pregnancy test, by law they can't tell your mom or you are lucky there, but if you are then it will show...good luck

How fast can a pregnant dog's temperature drop?

We just got back from out of town and today is her 60th day. She was very excited when we picked her up from a friend's house and was very active on the way home and when we arrived home. I took her temperature within 15 or 20 minutes of her running around and it was still at 100.2. I took it again 2 hours later and it was only 98.6. I couldn't tell if the thermometer was all the way in though because she was laying in an awkward position and she is already wary of the thermometer. Can a dog's activity cause the temperature to rise that much or can it drop that fast...or was it just a bad read?

Why did you steal my blue crayola crayon?

He was my bestest friend... He made me breakfast and even sang lullabies to me... He was almost as good to me as my stapler is... and I swear to you if you steal my strawberry ill kill you.

Why dont Palestinians now try a leader like Gandhi or a Martin Luther King ?

Or Nelson Madella ....its been proven ....Violence ..wins no friends ..just enemies ....since violence has not worked middle east ......why not now try ..non-violence ....its a strong man's weapon ..and can shame your opponents into submission more decisively than guns ...why not try the weapons which ...rips the soul of your opponents ..than just ...firing bullets into his body ???

Is it appropriate to spend a lot of time with a guy who has a gf?

Yea i'm guessing in his eyes you're nothing more than a best friend. I used to do the same thing w/ my female friend. Until i moved =/

Do you win anything on "super lotto plus" if you have 2 numbers and the mega?

Yes it's like $11, go to there website and see a href="" rel="nofollow"

Question for Americans...?

i see your ogy and i think it poses an interesting question for a lot of people who simply don't understand why such wonderful liberating nations and their occupying helpers aren't welcomed by all.

Trying not to get pregnant. Best times for ?

my friends is tryin 2 have but she is just goin with the flow. she isnt not goin 2 have . but sum1 else told me that if as soon as u r off ur period, u can have the 1st 3 days n no chance of pregnancy and then the 4th day n week after is when u have best chances. is that tru? i dont want my friend pregnant cause her mom will kick her out.

Was Gandhi an Anti-Imperialist?

I am researching anti-Imperialists for a report due Monday and am wndering if Gandhi was one. I know he was for peace in a country that had been imperialised before and am wondering. Please. I need answers soon.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Black cohosh for low thyroid levels?

got my ths tested it was 1.0 my t3 and t4 are ok so i was not perscrobed synthroid. however i am still dealing with the symptoms. doctor said my charts indicated ive alaways had low levels. anyways i was told by a pharmacist to take black cohosh sipplement. i orginally went in for iodine supplement but he advised against it saying it will kill my thyroid? any expeirance with this black cohosh.

Need face painting stencil help?

does anybody know of a good website to print up free face printable stencils? i have searched and searched and just keep getting really large sized prints. please help. thanks

Will/would/did you give your baby a pacifier?

My fiance and I have been having this debate forever. We do not have any children and will not have any for awhile but somehow we got on this topic. I personally do not want to give my baby a pacifier. I believe that if the baby doesn't know what it is, and it's not really necessary, then why give it to them? If the baby cries you sooth them, then they stop. I don't want to put a plug in their mouth to make them be quite. Plus, I don't want to see my toddler walking around with a pacifier in his or her mouth and you have to fight with them to take it away. My fiance on the other hand believes that all babies need to have one because it's an "accessory". He thinks it's cute and has no real reason to want to use a pacifier. Alright yahoo answers, what do you think?

Where can I get parts for my '79 Cadillac DeVille?

I just bought a 1979 Cadillac DeVille, factory candy green paint with green leather/suede interior, and I'm thinking of restoring it with the addition of adding some Dayton wire wheels and a system. Question is, where can i get parts for it, such as a new chrome bumper, interior trim, etc etc...?

Vanishing Guppies?!?!?!?!?

my angel hasnt eaten my guppy yet (shes 3in long, when she gets bigger i'm going to update to a 125 so she won't be tempted to eat my little fish)... maybe the angels that ate guppies were underfed. and your tank has some problems to begin with-neons, harlequins, gl tails, and glowstick tetras prefer 6+ schools. silver sharks are bala sharks-they get 16in, very fast swimmers, they jump, and need 70g+ tanks. thats what you should have anyway with all those fish. and the silver sharks, if they are at least 5in, are probably whats eating your guppies. they are supposed to be in a larger fish community, not with all those little ones. and i thought bumble bee gobies were brackish... well i read something that said they were. also, when angels get larger, they use neons as a natural food source.

Which present day cricket player can easily make a transition from cricket player to baseball player?

Yes. Afridi is a good player. He can handle a baseball bat very easily, bowling will be a piece of cake.

Steffi Graf's greatest Wimbledon victory?

Any one of those above titles could be considered great in their own right. However, I'm sure if you ask steffi she'll say it was Wimbledon 1988. It was in 1988 she achieved what is know as the Golden Slam. Steffi was down a set and a break and came back to win Wimbledon against Navratilova who had won six straight titles there. Very few men or women have ever won the Calendar Grand Slam as well as an Olympic Gold medal. Steffi also won the Wimbledon doubles title that year. As far as Wimbledon titles go, I have to cast my vote for 1988.

Whats with people thinking that older professional athletes are better than the new generation?

I agree with what the other guy not every pro athlete was doped up on 'roids and HGH back in the day.

Now that Willie Bud Johnston's SFA ban has been lifted-will we see the little druggie play for Rangers soon?

You've gotta admit the little yellow toothed one is probably still better than anyone on their payroll at the moment?

Question about cooking shrimp alfredo...?

I bought the Alfredo sauce that comes in a can, and frozen cooked shrimp. My question is, should I still fry the shrimp in some er or do something else to the shrimp. Or should I just thaw the shrimp and mix it into the Alfredo sauce?

How to make a competitive yusei deck?

there is no competitive character decks, all decks are made for the show, and they aren't good. the only character deck that is decent enough is crow's blackwing. if you want competitive, buy a starter or structure deck, and buy lots of boosters.

Is the story of creationism the only reason why the general public ever cares about where they came from?

No, it's because we're curious animals who want to know our origins. However, the story of Creation makes more questions then it answers.

Do you believe that John Dillinger really did die outside the Biograph Theatre?

Conspiracy theories are nonsense always, I use Occam's Razor, say simplest hypothesis account of facts is best, frauds add nonsense of anything, I demand strong proof not believe John Dillinger shot at theater, are you certain of all this you say here? I must check it further before I reject traditional explanation, I see all conspiracy theories have much nonsense, so I not believe anything until I check all sources, I advise you follow suit.

Hi,i have a xbox360 falcon motherboard,my rear fans are running at about 3 volts?

i need to replace a transistor or 2 maybe?.i can direct run 12v or 5 volts,but i dont really want to do main question is,were exactly is it located(transistors?) were can i can i find BCP51 or ZT751 transstor on my falcon motherboard...i have another old motherboard,its a xenon i think,so im thinking of taking that parts off and replacing the parts onto my falcon board...need guidance thnx.the transistors control my fan speed.

Now that the earth moved, how much greater is the risk of asteroids amd comets?

from the earthquake in chile, only the earth's tilt on its axis changed. not the position of the earth in our solar system. so since the earth is in the same place, the probability of asteroids hitting us will not changee.

Why do haters even bother?

The Hip Hop industry is filled with individuals elevated to idol status, supplemented with people who produce the instrumentals, book the concerts, and other things. The question that I am asking the Yahoo Answers community is also followed by another question: why do people try to slander these idols, when it just makes them more famous, and shows the stupidity that they hold in their minds?

La padre de familia(family guy) HELP!!!!!! plus a little SAP trouble?

the best way i would say is to buy the DVDs and change the language to spanish, with english subtitles. you don't really learn much without the subtitles.

I think I am gay but I get turned on by the sight of guys. What do I do?

I'm a guy and I think I'm gay. The only problem is that I get turned on by guys so does that mean I'm not gay? I don't know how to deal with this? I don't want to tell my parents because my dad doesn't accept this lifestyle and he will probably take the belt to my backside, which also turns me on.

Which desktop replacement laptop should i get?

Im planning on getting a new laptop that's good for gaming and working on (design, photosop, programing maybe CAD programs,et). My current Options are the Toshiba Qosmio X505-830/832 (830 & 832 are the same laptop but with different warranty) and the Dell Studio17, the latest model that comes with the i7 and dedicated gpu. Both laptops have the i7 cpu and dedicated gpu, but im not sure which gpu or laptop is better for my interest

What do you think of y F/F team?... please rate 1-10?

5, because you have secondary players. Beside steve smith and he is suspended for 2 or 3 games and favre is good but old. Your best player is someone who is known to get hurt in AP... sorry just telling it like it is.

Which kind of name do you prefer your dogs to have?

I like off the wall names, when I was about to get my dog (I was 95% approved to be his mommy before I met him and his foster mother after talking to her on the phone for about 2 hrs) I was considering names like Found meaning was lost but now is found, Syrius the dog star (2nd fave choice), but I named him Baccardi (a white rum) and that is how it is spelled on dog name websites.

Doing howework and stuck on a question. Help?

Name three ideas of the Enlightenment that were displayed throughout the latin american wars for independence? help please.

Which 2 wide receivers should I start?

santonio holmes because you saw what steve johnson did against the bengals last week. he should have a great game vs them this week.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Julius Caesar as a Brave and intelligent Conqueror?

I need to do an essay of he characteristics of Julius Caesar. One of my characteristics of him is he is a Wise and brave conqueror. He conquered Gaul, Spain, Egypt.... Does anyone know some of his battle plans or what he did that fits this characteristics? Need to wire some examples. Thanks!

Judo or kickboxing?????

well im 13 and im a small guy im about 5 ft and 90 pounds im really quick and i wanna know wats better in da street like a rumble or something like if your getting jumped judo or kickboxing i really ike krav maga but i cant find any good ones near Los angeles ( i dont live in LA i LIVE NEAR LA)


This is a known phishing scam attempting to get you to give them all your personal info. It's not from Yahoo, just delete it and ignore it. Good luck and be careful.

Should i use the chi or the Instyler?

I am African American and i was hoping to get something to straighten my hair. I was hoping you could help me thank you

Is it Possible to Stop Politically Labeling People?

Not really, no - the label "hardworking, loyal American" is far less applicable to the liberals.

I am going to visit in the mountains but afraid what to pack because my cousin steals?

I am going to visit my family up in the mountains but my mom says that I have to pack light because my cousin (who is close in age to me) likes to steal things. She has stolen makeup, clothes, and other things from me in the past. I an usually not a light packer so it's going to be really hard to pack light. But I don't want her taking any of my things. What should I do?

Who should I start for my Fantasy Football team?

I would start Hester since he's starting this year at receiver. You know he's got wheels and will put some points on the board. It should be interesting to watch him play this year.

How do you know if you are ready to die?

You know you're ready to die when you have nothing to do, no one to love, and nothing to look forward to.

Fiesta Speaker Setup Question?

The amplifiers provide the power the head unit only provides the signal. It should work fine your not asking for more demand from the stereo.

Can marginal density be >= 1?

for a continuous joint distribution function fxy(x,y) , can its marginal density fx(x) at any x be greater than 1? my interpretation is that fx(x) is basically equivalent to saying p(X = x) and in that case probability can never be greater than 1. is that incorrect?

Should I remove my contacts who have sadden me in last few hours and days?

I don't want to be there friend specially because I cannot deal with crab and I am upset with this thing that I do not wanna mention!

Where can I find this thing?? Looked everywhere?

I am looking for a song with a space countdown.. i need it for this project. It has to have that wakie talkie sounds to it :) and like count down :D thanks.

I need a sonnet about unrequited love but have no idea how to write it.?

i need a sonnet by tomorrow for English IV ! 14 line sonnet on unrequited love; girl loving a boy that doesnt love her back! the rhyme of it has to be ABBAABBACDECDE! i would gladly appreciate it. i really need to p this cl! thank you!!!!!

Why is it O.K. for s to try to force everyone to accept and celebrate their lifestyle and yet..?

people who think for, for any reason at all, that uality is unnatural and morally wrong, are demonized and labeled as s, bigots, and every other name in the book? If they want to be accepted for who they are and not have people try to change the way they are then why can't they do the same for others?

Layed off from work or not?

my employer came to me and asked if id like to volunteer to be layed off from work. they have already layed several people off and i dont believe theyll force me because of my work ethics but i cant figure out if its a good choice. the things i consider is if eventually the company goes down the drain a few months later will i make less money off unemployment because of the benifit year unemployment goes through. also id be making about the same amount of money because i can stay home while layed off waiting to return to work while my wife works and i can also get money from my gi bill while in college. but i also worry that the job im at is about the best job around here for a laborer. if they decide to not employ me back then what will i do. 6 months later when unemployment runs out ill be forced to take a lower paying worse job. what would you do?

My dad will be in germany in a couple of months, can he bring back a clic SL to the states?

He is interested in finding a 300SL or one from the 1970s, he plans on sending it to Kuwait to have it restored and was wondering would it be possible to send this car from Kuwait to the US when he moves back here, and what are the laws concerning this

Once you hit rock bottom...where do you make your next step?

I feel like I am there and if not close to it. I've lost the woman I loved, actually she ran off with someone else, I can't get a job because of a possession charge in Washington, mind you there were only three grams of cannabis, my friends aren't the best people to go to, they suck. I have no motivation to go out and meet people, every time I do they love drugs or alcohol. I have my family on my shoulders, they are useless. I have a truck that I need to get rid of, get a hybrid or something fuel efficient. Russia is provoking, or we are provoking, I'm not sure yet, but World War 3. Every time I try to spark conversation, the person turns into an idiot, I mean I bring up the Georgia conflict and people think I am talking about Atlanta. The only people I can vent to are through a screen or pay insane amounts of money to a shrink. What is this world coming too? Is there anyone who wants to hop into a spaceship with me and take the _ _ _ _ off?

Water damage to cell phone?

The battery might not be the only thing damaged inside the phone, the motherboard and junk could have been fried. You could give it a try, but it may be a goner.

How's my Play so far? :)?

You should not post stories you write online. Someone could steal them say they are theirs and get them published under their name. There is nothing you can do once that happens!

Why are my flowers wilting already?

I just recently moved into our house and the flowerbed in the front was disgusting. We ripped out the old bushes and replaced the rotted mulch and clay with garden soil. I planted a bunch of flowers and covered the open ground in mulch as I was told by my neighbor, but its been 4 days and they are all wilted. I planted petunias, delphiniums, foxglove, and dusty miller. I water them every morning- is that too much/too little? The first time I watered them I used that starter feeding liquid. Where am I going wrong? Its hot & humid during the day, kinda chilly at night- and that flowerbed gets sun all day long.

Running for homecoming queen PLEASE HELP?

My cousin crystal is running for homecoming queen , the mascot is a steelmen, colors are gold and blue .. is there any ideas on how to get more votes also any GOOD SLOGANS SOMETHING CATCHY PLEASEEE WE NEED HELP..

Good Harry Potter fanfictions?

Go to They have some interesting fanfiction on the Harry Potter series and various others.

My combi boiler is sat at 1 bar when it is not being used. when the heating kicks in it drops to 0.5 bar?

the boiler sits happily at 1 bar when my boiler is not being used however when i run a hot tap or the central heating starts it drops to 0.5 bar. the boiler will then turn on and off when the central heating is on. do i need to fill up the boiler with water? there doesnt seem to be any leaks around the system. the boiler is a potterton combi boiler.

Can some giv me websites to watch Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

So conservatives.... Should we ban all Protestant churches from being built in the Southern States?

The KKK, a Protestant terrorist organization killed thousands in the Southern Region of America. So should we prevent all Protestants from building their churches in areas where the KKK murdered or lynched Americans?

McCain all but endorsed Kerry in the last you think that'll come up this fall ?

If it does, that will help to distance him further from Bush and make him more appealing to voters in the middle.

Why do people think drilling is longer than hydrogen?

I think that you expect immediate drilling to solve the problem for the near future and lower prices rapidly. I do agree with an increase in drilling, but do not expect rapid and great results. The oil would go on the world market, controlled by OPEC and the big oil companies. The Chinese and the rest of the world are increasing their usage, so this new oil will just keep us going with no real surplus. Hydrogen has some problems and will require great changes in our technology and machinery. We should have done a lot more in the past to conserve and develop more alternatives, but we as a people had cheap energy and just used it as if there were no end, driving gas guzzlers, building huge houses, heating and air conditioning in record levels, etc. I have heard Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives ridicule small cars and ridicule the green movement. Conservatives have pushed business at the expense of conservation and the environment. It is all coming back at them even if they don't admit it.

Chavez jr VS Vanes Martirosyan?

I think Martirosyan would destroy Chavez Jr. He'd put leather on him all night. Just like in that video of them sparring, Vanes would stick that jab in his face and blast him with right hands. I don't know if Vanes would stop him, because the one thing you can say about Chavez Jr is that his chin is decent. He could though, but I think Vanes would win a very lopsided decision or stop him late.

HOA problems - what is going to happen?

I rent out a house I used to live in. Because my interest rates have gone up, I can't afford to rent it out to a family, so for the last six years, I've been renting out the rooms to individuals, and sometimes relatives. It barely pays, but I've been hanging on. I live minutes away, so am constantly over there, fixing up & monitoring things, nearly every day. It's quiet, no parties, on end of cul de sac. Sometimes the tenants are doctors & only live there a couple of months. My next door neighbor has always been mean. He has complained to the HOA, saying I run a "hotel". That's not at all true, 3 of the tenants have lived there 5 yrs. But HOA says the CCRs state "no multiple families" so they want to fine me. I don't have multiple families. In fact my house has very few people & cars. The neighbor is racist & a bigot, he hates gays & one tenant is gay. I don't know what to do. If I rent to a family, I will have to foreclose. If I rent to individuals, I get fined.

What was the name of the band that...?

sang the kelly clarkson song... "because of you" (im pretty sure)....but changed it into a more emo/screamo/punk song....i cant find it was showed on much on demand

Pappa johns?

ewww i just tryed their new "deep dish" with just cheese... and it has NO taste! the crust tastes like card bord! im so disapointed! their regular cheese pizzas are SO good.... but this is just crap! has any one else tried it yet?

Are white people who say they aren't racist ..racist ?

Sorry but I'm white and not racist.. Also, you think all white people were involved in the discrimination of blacks? I live in Ireland and white Irish people enslaved in the West Indies were treated worse than black slaves but it's certainly not okay for any Irish people to be racist.

Christians Have it occur to You that you're not really save but conditioned or hypnotized to believed you are?

If you are trully saved , Jesus says all you sins has been taken away and the seed born in you does not sin, and also He has taken your death upon Himself and you are no more subject to sicknesses, diseases and death have no more hold over you- The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the spirit of death ?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

6. What is the concept of judicial review? Is this concept in the Constitution? If so, where is it found?

Judicial review is the priciple that says the Supreme Court has the final say is determining what the Constitution means. It was first made in the court case Madison vs. Marbury.

USA capitol moved from New York to Washington D.C.?

today i learned from my history teacher that the USA's capitol used to be in New York after it became independent but then changed to Washington D.C. Why did they change it?

Help me im so confused?

my boyfriend broke up with me earlier today and i've been a mess ever since. he said we could still be friends but i dont think thats gonna happen. i cant get him off my mind and ive been crying for hours. not only that, but i was stupid enough to tell another guy i would go out with him so now i have a boyfriend i dont really like that much and a lot of heartache. can someone please help me deal with this he was my first boyfriend and i really really liked him.

Why were Martha & Brandon (Belle & Shawn) fired from DAYS?

They were my favorite couple, and I just want to know why they are getting rid of them. I thought they were actually one of the best on the show.

Why such an aversion to normal/popular names?

I understand you to a point. I can't stand it when people give their daughters male names like Noah or Kyle. As far as naming you're child a different/weird name, my definition of unique is using a foreign name. Just cause something is not Jessica or Emily doesn't mean you can't find a name that sounds just as lovely. Speaking for myself I want to name my daughter something as beautiful as the name Emily but not actually name her that.

Altering the shutter speed on a Canon 500D - only if you're experienced!?

Answers so far are pointing in the right direction. With digital it costs nothing to experiment, so go for it in every way you can think of, and a few more - that's what the settings on your camera are for!

Medically, is there something wrong with me?

My aunt has something called polyneuropathy. Some of her nerve receptors do not work efficiently like they should. I don't know whether it's hereditary or anything, but I recently began noticing that my skin isn't as sensitive to touch as other people's. It's probably nothing, but in the back of my mind I feel like it is something. For example, I've always heard that women's are supposed to be very sensitive, pain or pleasure. If you hit me in the , It doesn't really hurt... In fact, I hardly feel it. That worries me, not only because it could mean that there is something wrong with me, but because I feel like I will never enjoy things as fully as I should. So, can anyone tell me what may be wrong with me, if anything, and maybe if there's some way to heighten my sense of feeling?

Why do teen boys stick their hands down their pants?

Loads of the boys in my school will just be sitting in cl or walking in the corridor and then just shove their hands down their pants. They don't care who is about or what. But what i have noticed is that the "popular" guy's don't do it...until today when i saw the fittest lad in my year and school just shove his hands down his pants. Lol. What are they actually doing? :/ :S x

Can you please edit this paragraph for any grammatical errors?

Health care and poverty are two problems faced by most Americans today as the result of poor use of tax dollars by former President Bush. He used an astronomical amount of money to support a war, rather than address the issues of health care and poverty.

Germany $ 11.49, Turkey $ 11.29, France - $ 9.66, Britain $ 8.31, Japan - $ 5.77, Venezuela - $ 0.12 !?

The price of a gallon of petrol is sold so differently all over the world! Why so much of variation?

Why do people believe someone could become President without meeting the qualifications?

The only reason I believe Obama was born in the U.S. is that if he wasn't, the Clinton's would certainly have found it and used it.

88 plymouth voyager low power?

I have a 88 plymouth voyager 3.0 v6 seems run and drive fine but it has no power up and it uses a lot of fuel the plugs are loaded with soot getting some black smoke running very rich also the engine has multi point fuel injection. anyone have any ideas were to look for the troubl

Do i have a good team in fantasy football?

If you had a better WR3, your team would be dominant. As it is, you team should easily take you to the playoffs. I would consider finding a team that is weak at QB and see if you can make some sort of trade to get one more good WR. You don't need both Brees and Vick. You should be able to get a Colston or Jennings-type WR for Vick.

Should the USA spend billions on space exploration?

Space boy sums it up nicely, its a failing concept for certain reasons and doesnt seem to have anything in the near future planned. Maybe in the mean time you should research an EXTREMELY well funded branch that they Do in fact seem to have plenty of your cash to spend on, Its called project blue beam, hmm while your at it have a look at HAARP its another "funded" division by your government that uses some very intresting methods to "detect" with frequencys through the earth... 30watts gets the job done but they are using 1 million or so...Maybe convince them to drop those facilitys and the 9 or so functioning stations they have around the place and utilise YOUR tax money for discovering whats really on our brother planet titan ive read so much about:D....

Is Larry Fitzgerald Still Lookin Outward?

I remeber their being rumours about a possible deal sending Fitzgerald out of Arizona, and i also heard that he wants out of Arizona. But i heard this all last year. I no he signed a recent 4 year deal. I was looking to buy his jersey but i was wondering if he still wants out of Arizona or the Cardinal are still looking to deal him?

Questions on combi. boilers in DIY and Maintenance & repairs.?

Its not the Combi boilers that are at fault it's folk who either don't have the original operating instructions or don't read them!

Why is BJP being allowed to run as a party?

They said Sonia Gandhi can't be prime minister because she's Italian which is racist and and had also said some bad things about Muslim's in this day and age does India want a party which is old fashioned backwards and run by old men? Look how unjust it is they are racist and know one can change that if you put into modern day context what if Obama's oppsition party said he can't run for president because hes black? I know that wouldn't have been tolerated there so why is it being tolerated here in India?

Should I Let My Son Watch Watchmen?

Watchmen has a blue and a very steamy scene, if you don't care the let him watch it or better yet Watch it with him, so you can explain why the Comedian shoot a woman in the head and s another.

Physics Question, Please Help?

Find the Celsius temperature change of a river due to the exhausted energy from a nuclear power plant. ume that the input power to the boiler in the plant is 3.1 × 10^9 W, the efficiency of the use of this power is 15 %, and the river flow rate is 9 × 10^6kg/min. The specific heat of water is s 4186 J/kg ·◦C.

Anyone familiar with the Left Behind books?

"Left Behind" and Hal Lindsey's book cover the same apocalyptic books but they are unrelated works. Lindsey produced a non-fiction book promoting his particular view of the "end times". The "Left Behind" series is fiction, based on an extremely literal reading of Revelation, Daniel and a few other books. Some people may regard it as "fun" but the authors and the majority of readers likely take it very seriously, as a plausible scenario of how their eschatological beliefs would play out. It's like a full, coherent visual integration of all the confusing symbolic events and images in the books, a fantasy portrayed in a realistic way, less ambiguous and more entertaining than the original. Never mind that it completely violates the authors' original intentions.

Kingdom Hearts 2 Underdrome help? PLEASE?

Are you sure you finished all of the previous cups? And you have to talk to either pain or panic to enter the cups.

Why do former players always come back to haunt you?

A certain K Miller apparently scored a couple of jammy goals against the Champs a few weeks back and previous to that M Johnston fluked a few in. No doubt in the not to distant future Mr Riordan will do likewise but, why is there always an inevitability about an ex player scoring and how annoying is it?

I can't sleep... what should i do?

Haha when I can't sleep I put it on the Home Shopping network and I look at the girls modeling the purses. That usually puts me to sleep pretty fast.

Could an extremely wealthy person get out of an arrest this way?

Of course someone might get out of an arrest this way. It's called a bribe and happens all the time. As far as not taking a bribe, there are plenty of honest cops out there that would not take the bribe simply for the fact that they have a decent amount of self-respect and a good amount of respect for the law. Keep in mind... if you accept a bribe, you are breaking the law as well.

I need to know how to clean and restore a fuel tank?

i don't know if the type of tank matters in the restore proses but its a fuel tank for a Plymouth Laser 1990... i pulled the fuel pump out and it is completely rusted and starting to erode... and the tank is not in much better condition... inside is all rusty... i need to know what i can to to fix it myself or if there is a place in Spokane WA that restores tanks...

The Qu'ran did not exist until 650 A.D.. What did Muslims follow prior to that? The Jewish Torah?

They believed in genies, desert spirits, flying carpets and the ghosts of their ancestors, you know, all sort of primitive superstitious stuff like this. Each clan had a leader and this leader would take advice from a shaman, seer or witch doctor.

I really need help. I feel so left out! :'(?

I'm 14 and I've never had a boyfriend. I have had younger kids like me but never one my own age. I'm not popular (I don't see why it should matter but apparently in teen world it does) Im smart and i like to read and stuff. im just not outgoing really. I enjoy spending time with my family more than friends and this is why... I feel like I am an adult (or @ least waaay older mature teen) trapped in an adult body. I've been throughg stuff none of my friends have. abusive mother, sick grandmother (alziemers), faced death due to illness 5 times, abusive uncle, critical aunt, cronic abdominal pain due to a disease, cronic female issues (never ending period, on birth control) and a murder in my neighborhood. I knew the vitoms. please don't tell me it could be worse because i know it can. but what im saying is that these expieriences have made me more mature than my friends. it makes me see more in life than boys and the mall and because of this I don't have many friends and have never had a boy like me. I feel lonely and like there is something wrong with me. It's just SO HARD for me to care about clothes and stuff when I'm having to deal with the pain of my stomach, issues in my extended family, and not being able to have children ( my gyno told me chances are slim because if i go off the birth control i bleed so heavy and it doesn't stop and it has almost killed me twice) I would really love some tips on releasing these concerns some and being able to be a kid. and like i said i cnt talk to my mom because we've had some issues, my gma has alziemers so she cnt remember, my aunt critisizes me, and i have no big sisters. Please help? I know i sound messed up but it's my life that is, and i don't wanna be :(

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to do an austrian accent?

im doing utube vid and i need to do one if yer wanna see the vid ill put a question once it done so tell me yahooers how do u do one BRUNO!

Just kind of depressed....?

I completely and totally understand your situation. When an individual forms a connection with someone like that and has feelings for that person in the way you do, it is very hard to do much of anything else except wish you were with that person at all times. I feel the exact same way towards someone I know and I love him and care about him with all my heart. There is not a moment that goes by that I do not think about him and I constantly wish i was with him. These type of feelings are very difficult to understand and deal with sometimes, but we just have to make the best out of the situation. I really hope that you two are always there for each other and take care of each other because without each other, the pain can be almost unbearable. Good luck to you.

Is Latino and Hispanic a race?

WOW lorilee is a damn moron... Many people Identify themselves with being Republican, that doesnt make Republican is a race, the thing is that people completely ignore what RACE means, they think race is something you bubble in a scantron when you fill out a SAT , people think race is the same as ethnicity, or nationality, or just simply something you identify with... i can be 100 European, and identify myself with African and , that doesnt change my genetic phenotype, and thats what race is, its your genetic compound, it has nothing to do with who you are inside,and not always where you come from. and to the dumb lady at the end, there are people in Latin America who are just 100% something, Native tribes men in the Amazon are 100%, Ernesto Che Guevarra was 100% White, Alberto Fujimori was 100% Asian and certain other people are 100% African, and then theres the other mutts. Mix breeding does NOT create a new Race.

How would you deter kids gathering in large groups in public places ?

I am all in favour of the mosquito boxes, we should all have the right to protect our property and allowed peace from noisy gangs of kids. The boxes are quite evidently a deterrent

Really Easy 10 Points. What's another way to say this?

“While revenge undermines any hope of (or 'for') justice, forgiveness is divine and comforts the soul."

SNL Sketch Bush, McRage, Palin?

I wish Obamarx was in it reaching into Bush's pocket taking money out to give to a beggar.. That would have cemented it as the best political sketch, ever.

Java program heeeelp?

I've entered a more elegant solution on PasteBin. The formatting is retained and you might want to use it for future coding type questions. Y!A tends to left justify everything. The version at the link below creates a few methods to make it more dynamic. It also uses a List rather than an array so you can easily change the size. If you have any questions about particular lines, please add them as comments and post back the updated pastebin link.

Best Crock Pot pulled pork recipe?

I'm looking for a Crock Pot pulled pork recipe that ***doesn't use*** bottled BBQ sauce. Anyone have a good one?

My husband wkd for huges aircraft '77, where can i get info on his benefits.?

he paid for insurance so i would get 80% of his pay when he died. but when he died in '78 they said i couldn't get it because i got too much from ssi (children/widow beneifts). i'm trying to find out what insurance company he was paying into and see if i can collect on that now that i'm retiring. i called ratheon and they can't find his files. thanks. cindy moore southern cal

B&A: Is This Obvious Enough?

Writing about any is difficult but child is extremely difficult and there are not that many authors who can tackle the subject with the sensitivity and the absolute horror it deserves. If you are finding it difficult then leave it to the readers imagination after a certain point as going into detail is not necessarily a good idea. You can always explain what happened afterwards when the police are investigating the crime because crime is what it is. As for the acid bit I would drop that altogether.

Mitt Romney and religion/politics?

Some politician will proudly proclaim that they are pro-life, pro-gay marriages, pro-death sentences yet, this proclamation of his beliefs may have an adverse effect. What better reason to be prosecuted if not being prosecuted for Christ? Christ died for us; taking a little heat is the least that we can do for him. We all should emulate his act of love, devotion, and faith.

Some more for kids are they funny?

Yeah, i think they are really funny as they are so simple and to the point. Some jokes go on and on and you have fallen asleep before the punch line - not these!

Anyone been to Leeds University UK?

I would really like to know what it's like studying there, especially at the School of Performance and cultural Industries. I got an offer there and will major in Creative Writing. Any experience or advice? thank you :)

Why does Kelly Clarkson have to versions of Beautiful Disaster?

Hmm yeah I wonder why some artists do that. Maybe it has a special meaning for them or they just felt like "fixing" it more to their liking. One of my favorite bands (Anberlin) did this with a song called "Feel Good Drag". All they did was change some vocal parts and distortion, etc. Sometimes the artist is just being experimental.

How come not every teacher gives a formal study guide?

For example, the English I test was about the things that we covered all year. Example of FORMAL REVIEW is "What is the climax of Romeo & Juliet?" If you study all the info that's given to you, you'll remember it, it will be rephrased on the test Example: "The climax of Romeo & Juliet is most likely" Answer right there. I don't see what's hard about doing that.

Getting clipper blades sharpened?

wahl lets you send the blade set in and will sharpen it for a fee but would it just be cheaper to buy a new blade rather than paying for shipping and getting the blade sharpened?

Snowboard delamination repair?

the nose and tail of my old snowboard are totaly delaminated, the p-tex is in the air. i tried whit normal epoxy resins but i did nothing. i am very attached to this board, and i use to give it to friends who like to try to snowboard 4 the first time. Any ideas about what to do. i think that the problem come out because of high temperature during waxing

Rock N' Roll Is complete bullshit...?

No, I can't really answer your question. I just like Rock, I've never really liked anything else. I don't like Rap or Hip Hop music, but I try not to critcize it. I also understand your problem. I think people who are naive on this kind of music, like myself, probably haven't listen to everything your genre has to offer. While you don't hear people dissing Rock too often, you do often hear people criticize your favorite band, and it stings. My favorite band is Def Leppard, and they are an easy target. In fact I heard a Rap song recently that was picking on their drummer. I think it is uncalled for but I just let it wash over me because I am proud of what I believe in. Besides are the people that go around bashing the type of music you listen to really going to change your mind about it? I doubt it.

Difference between low voltage in line voltage ceiling cans ?

Putting in recessed lighting for shower. The cans come either low voltage or in-line voltage. What is the difference? Should I pick one over the other?

Why is ual exploration a sin?

without labeling someone, the idea that you are sinning because you want to explore uality seems silly. And for you bible nuts, Is there any mention of uality in the 10 commandments. If not then it isn't that important.

HELP! How do i write up a conclusion?

In conclusion, [restate main idea] , [talk about main idea some more], wrap up [restate main idea in different words]

Evolutionist experts giving reasons to believe in Creationism?

I believe in evolution. I mean, that God creates through evolution. What is missing, as in the case of the missing link, can be explained if we consider the possibility of intervention. The biblical Nefilim may have been none other than the elohim or ilu (not God) who, by binding their genetic image on an advanced hominid, produced sapiens.

I am currently 200lbs. ad i need to be @ 180lbs. to make the weight reuirements for the Marine Corps.?

Is there any special diet that i can follow? Possibly any type of Dietary supplements and /or any type of exercise schedule that i should follow? The sooner i can drop 20lbs. the sooner ill be in boot camp!

I Can't find what this horror movie is called but i know what the cover looks like if i saw itt ?

It's a horror movie with like 3-4 girls on the front cover , one of them i think have a cheetah skin face ??

Economics/ebay question?

eBay wants to be the number one auction site on the net and keep it that way. Are there any potential antitrust issues related to the companys efforts to remain the dominating auction site?

Lost dog in coal township, pa?

You did the right thing microchipping him. Make sure to contact your local shelters. Get on and place a lost pet clified. Send out his picture and info to local rescue groups. Put up posters. Keep your fingers crossed and pray. Good luck.

PEOPLE WHO WATCHES THE "CW" on channel 5 please answer?

there is like a commerical that shows like gossip girls.. one tree hill.. and all the espodies.. but in the background that goes "goodbye goodbye goodbye" and it sounds like maroon 5.. but i'm not sure. can someone tell me the song titile and the artist for the song pelase

A recurring cough in a three year old?

At 4 years I was diagnosed with croup. That was horrible. But if it saved my life, it might save your daughter's life, too. You might want to check her with that. I woke up in the middle of the night, gasping for air. They rushed to the hospital. After three days, I was allowed to go home. They treated me with a breathing machine and a mask. The air-like medicine was breathed into my lungs, and I eventually became better. It's my opinion, throwing up and losing your breath are symptoms. Hope she gets better!

11DPO am I still in the running?

Honey, if you started your period the beginning of December, then your next period would be around the beginning of January... Even if you have a lengthy time between cycles... This is already the 15th of January..You're probably pregnant. However, Im wondering if you mistook the spotting for your actual period. .. Because a pregnancy test would definately work by now... So.. I dunno... Go get a blood test

So long......Fair well (Premiership)?

Premier league to be closed from 2012/13. It'll be invite only. There is a list of who they want in the league: Arsenal Man United Manchester City Villa Notts Forest Leeds Newcastle Sunderland Portsmouth Southampton Liverpool Everton Sheff Wednesday/United Tottenham Chelsea the Hammers Derby Preston Queens Park Rangers and Cardiff. Apparently Preston are in because of BAE's links with DIC, Queens Park Rangers purely because of their money and all the others because of crowd size and geographical spread

The Landis Corporation had 2008 sales of $100 million. The dividend payout rate is 50 percent, and the balance?

in retained earnings at the end of 2008 was $33 million. Common stock and the company's long-term bonds are $10 million and $5 mil. Notes payable are currently $12 mil. a. how much additional external capital will be required for next year is the sales increase to 15 percent.

Please help! what could be causing blood and mucus on my stool?

This is actually quite common. Mucus could be from intestinal inflammation and gas from non-absorbed nutrients (again from inflammation) which bacteria take, break down and produce gas. In the case of intestinal infection, you'd also had diarrhea.

Can u keep a neon tetra with a female betta?

hey, yeah they will be fine, neons are great, what size tank do u have? because if u can, neons act odd when they are alone, then need a small school, 6-10 is great, but atleast 3 will do fine, thatl work great

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I think that I dried out my potted hydrangea. Should I nurse it back to health indoors or outdoors?

I think that I dried out my potted hydrangea. It is still alive - but the leaves and blooms are wilting. Should I nurse it back to health indoors or outdoors?

Attention Gouldian Finch Owners!?

I was wondering if its normal for females to be way more active and vocal than males. The female runs around and flies and chirps while the male only does it once in a while and whistles. I mean he physically looks healthy but I cant tell what hes feeling on the inside. Please Help!!!

Why do humans need social interaction to maintain good health?

the nervous stimulation is bad for your brain and can give mental disorders, but talking and releaseing your emotions and such is good for you

I need help with this math homework question?

The rectangle on a quilt are 2 inches wide and 3 inches long. The perimeter of each rectangle is made by a pattern of red thread. If there are 30 rectangles in a quilt, How much red thread will be needed?

Whos the most famous person of all time?

God is not a "person" .. Jesus, on the other hand, is probably accepted as the most-recognized name in history.

Can i make a chocolate milkshake with these ingredients?

I dont think what would come out would actually be considered a milkshake, but it sounds like it would taste good lol

Husband likes PDA but I am not comfortable with it. What should I do?

My husband loved public display of affection. He likes kissing me in public. I feel uncomfortable kissing him among strangers. I feel its just a show off. I let him hold my hands, but feel awkward when he suddenly stops and kisses me. Sometimes, when he is about to kiss him, I quickly give a peck on his cheek just to avoid the real (lip) kiss. He gets annoyed when I do that. I am a very modest gal and think that such things should be done in our own private space. It looks very immature to me. Moreover, the culture I come from doesnt appreciate PDAs too much, but as we r in US, he thinks its ok not to think about culture as no one cares wat we r doing. Should I just give in to his demands or let him know how I feel about all this.

Should I drop Willis McGahee?

Should I drop Willis McGahee? Best FAs are Fred Jackson, Carnell Williams, Julius Jones, Correll Buckhalter, and Tashard Choice.

Sephora and/or Bare Minerals coupon?

i do know that sephora dose not take coupon's of any kind and also doesn't accept them from competitors. as far as b.e boutiques im pretty sure they are on a frequent shopper hole punch type discount program

Green bay fans i have a question to ask you?

ok i live in indianapolis and if peyton manning left the colts for the patriots after giving 18 years to the colts i would still love the hell outt him so why the hate to brett hes given you a ring when you were nothing for years and now your gonna crap on him like that its sad i understand being a packer fan first but dont treat the man like that your orginazation done something to him and he wants revenge on them not you!!!!!!!!

Rate my online league team for NBA 2k11? Advice and Opinions?

That wouldn't be a great team in real life, but it is NBA 2K11. The main reason is that Gilbert Arenas is a very good player in NBA 2K11 and Wade has the 2nd highest rating in the game. Furthermore, Al Jefferson is also better in NBA 2K11 than in real life. My only advice would be to play Tayshaun a few more minutes a game and Nick Young a few minutes less.

Help, Dental Sealant for my 7yr old or not?

My son's school is participating in the Oral Health Program in King County and they've promised my son a popcorn party if every child brings back the release for signed the next day (tomorrow). Wherein I'm being asked to allow my second grader (apparently, this program is only for second graders because presumably they have all just gotten their 6 year molars) to participate in receiving free SEALANTS at absolutely no cost. I can either check yes or no and I've only got a little while before bed to figure this out so my son can help the cl get their popcorn party. I tried looking up what SEALANT is and that's where I got frustrated and started looking for help. Anyone.... Apparently the one that is being used is polyvinyl acetal diethylaminoacetate and when I try to figure out if that's dangerous for my Peter, who's already sensitive (eczema due to food allergies) I just get confused. I'm not a scientist. Oh yeah, and he also grinds his teeth sometimes. Will that plastic be ingested? Are there any contraindications? Is it safe? Is it necessary?

Future indy car racer...?

in a few days i will be starting the last year of high school,ive been lookin at sum carrear options but theres nothing more i want to be than an indy car could i make my dream a reality?any help please.

How can I get my sweatshirt soft again?

I washed a new sweatshirt today. The inside was made of fleece and very soft but now its rough. Is there any way to get the soft fleece back?

Would you laugh at me if i told you ....?

I am an unemployed 30 year old man who lives in America , I have no education beyond high school , but would you laugh at me If I told you that I know how to solve the energy crisis in the world , replacing dirty fossil fuels with clean hydrogen in abundance ? Would you laugh at me if I told you that I have the solution for the flying car paradox ? Would you laugh at me If I told you that you don't need a piece of paper to prove your intelligence only to get a job ? Why is it that people laugh at people like me without realizing that if not for people like me you'd have nothing ? I HATE WORKING , SCHOOL AND RELIGION .

What would happen if...?

If Peyton was out, the colts wouldn't make the playoffs. I the lions were to aquire mcnabb, they would still suck. If the rams got Tebow, the would have a few losing seasons while he gains skill, and they would be contenders later. If Brett retires, the Vikings will suck again and Favre will be in the Hall of Fame by 2030. If Ben was suspended, the steelers would draft a QB in the late rounds of th draft and on would lead them to a 8-8 season.

Projectile motion question please?

A girl throws a slingshot pellet directly at a target that is far enough to take one half second to reach. How far below does the target hit? How hight above the target should she aim?

Which team is better New Orleans Saints or Pittsburgh Steelers?

in history, the steelers. the saints beat the steelers this season but i wouldnt mind a rematch and if they play again the steelers have a chance to win.

Feminine hygiene qu girls?

Not sure where your pharmacy is??? Such prodiucts ave been discontinued in Ireland and the UK for decades and doctors recommednthey NOT be used due to the harm they can cause.

Which do u think is more painfull, being alone or living in a 3rd world country?

by being alone i mean not having anyone to count on or call a friend. and possibly being made fun off as a kid.

I've been fooling around with a girl that my best friends brother is infatuated with...?

No your not wrong. He is just gonna have to get over the fact that you like her and (im uming she likes you too). But it is also her fault too though. Sometimes girls have a way of leading guys on and they don't even know it.

Diabetic at the Age of 36?

I am 36, male and a diabetic (hereditary ) , my sugar level is 125 before breakfast & 175 after having breakfast. Which doctor Should I meet, a general physician or a diabetitioner. More or less they give same medicines i.e Glyciphage or so. In India, specilised doctors charge very heavily. Please advice.

I wonder if i did the right thing?

I really liked this guy. We dated few times. When i was with him, i was so happy and couldn't ask for anything. I know that there's an attraction between me and him. I know he likes me, i can tell the way he treated me, he is so loving, sweet and kind. But he don't call me that much or text me. I wrote him a sort of a farewell letter that we should stop seeing each other. I told him how i feel towards him. I think i'm in love with him. He wrote back and told me that he can't focused on a relationship.And also that his business take all his time and effort. I was hurt. I woder if i did the right thing to sent him a letter or i should of waited if our date will blossom into something. Thank you guys.

Upper limits to a Thermonuclear bomb, Gigaton mines, Russian doomsday ship?

Hi sorry this does not regard your question, i just didn't know how to get in touch with you. You did a great job answering my question "Why do guys act like this? Confused? Now the guy has txt me back and i know u said guys don't like girls who play hard to get, but i don't want to look too eager when i talk to him. What are some things i could say to make me sound like i not always there just waiting on him? Again sorry for posting this here! But your help would definitely be appreciated!

Low lyrics?

how many people actually know all the words to the really fast part in the second part of low by flo-rida? i know it but alot of people think im crazy cuz i can say it all. how many people are like me?

The Last Supper painting by Leonardo De Vinci..?

It was also a fresco painting and because of the speed in which it was painted it also didn't keep very well over the years. If my memory serves it was tempera paint, which at the time was mostly pigments water and something glutenous like egg. (Fresco, for those who don't know, is a painting done on wet plaster so that the paint and plaster dry together leaving the painting as part of the wall or ceiling.)

Poll why will no one named kids adolf Hitler?

There was some family who did, and as a result a grocery store wouldn't make him a birthday cake with his name on it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Webcam on advet laptop?

ive just purchased an advent laptop with built in webcam, but there is no software on the computer to take pictures on. It works on MSN and other cam sites i.e. lol cam on facebook. Ive looked on the laptop to find any kind of software that that allows me to take pictures on the laptop but i cant find any :S. does anybody have anyidea where it is or what safe software that i can find/download.?

Everyone is saying triple h will return as a heel?

why would he return as a heel if they are most likely going to return him to fight King Booker as a heel? wouldnt he still be a face if he is fighting a heel?

How many calories do i need to shed in order to lose 1 kg?

i know that energy cannot be converted into m but is there any way of finding out how many calories do i need to shed in order to lose 1 kg? because i need to lose 6 kgs in 2 weeks.if any1 knows any quick methods then pl let me know. i really wud like to know how many calories makes 1 kg.thanks!

I need songs for my wedding!!!!?

I need good songs for my wedding procession, recession, lighting of the unity candles, and a recessional. Prelude would be good too!!!! I was thinking Finally by Fergie for the procession. And my fiance and I were thinking From this moment by Shania Twain for our 1st dance. We would like songs that are sort of different, i.e. not the usual wedding march. I need help plzz!!! Thanx

For a polymer matrix fibre reinforced composites list three functions of the matrix phase?

Self-healing resin systems have been discussed for over a decade and four different technologies had been proposed. However, little work on their application as composite matrices has been published although this was one of the stated aims of the earliest work in the field. This paper reports on the optimization of a solid-state self-healing resin system and its subsequent use as a matrix for high volume fraction gl fibre-reinforced composites. The resin system was optimized using Charpy impact testing and repeated healing, while the efficiency of healing in composites was determined by ysing the growth of delaminations following repeated impacts with or without a healing cycle. To act as a reference, a non-healing resin system was subjected to the same treatments and the results are compared with the healable system. The optimized resin system displays a healing efficiency of 65% after the first healing cycle, dropping to 35 and 30% after the second and third healing cycles, respectively. Correction for any healability due to further curing showed that approximately 50% healing efficiency could be achieved with the bisphenol A-based epoxy resin containing 7.5% of polybisphenol-A-co-epichlorohydrin. The composite, on the other hand, displays a healing efficiency of approximately 30%. It is therefore clear that the solid-state self-healing system is capable of healing transverse cracks and delaminations in a composite, but that more work is needed to optimize matrix healing within a composite and to develop a methodology for essing recovery in performance.

Can I cut sushi grade meat from frozen fish from the market?

I want to make sushi rolls, but my local markets don't have sushi grade fish. I don't want to order it online, and I don't want to drive 40 minutes to get fish... Can I cut meat from thawed fish, like salmon or tuna, and use it in sushi?

I don't know what to do about my moms boy friend?

You dont need to convince that s**t head who is ur mums boyfriend....your mum is the one to warn him about it and make him stop..he is not even ur father.But guess ur mum cares more about the boyfriend if she isnt telling him to stop. Also be careful about all the guy friends...girls usually have do u. It's ok to keep both guy and girl friends but be careful with the oposite ...I have a friend who was d by her suposed guy friends. Talk to ur mum to make that guy stop verbally abusing u.

Double standards, girls and girls help!?

for some guys theres no meaning on having alot.. some dont care.. but some do. for girls we wait sumtimes. since we are the ones that can get more hurt in the ual part. we get some things that guys dont care. we can get pregnant. and guys would just leave you..guys dont think they have any duty to the girl after. girls feel upset that they left and want more of a relationship that 5 min time

Do you allow animals in your home?

Everybody is different. I was bought up in a home with inside house dogs and as an adult I have a ferret (Zir Ziggy) and a Chinchilla (Rodney Chi*Chi).

PJ's Questions?????????

the truth is you can see "the lump" in most pants. i would suggest wearing underwear depending on the thickness of the fabric.

Would you make this trade?

I currently have Maroney and am being offered Percy Harvin for him. Would you make this trade going forward with Sammy Morris coming back and Berrian being nicked up and not targeted? Please help??


Don't panic! what you've got to ask yourself is (are these things happening because they were prophesied or we causing them because we believe the prophecy?) oh and it's Russia invading Georgia not the Germans but your point is made.

My lecturer suggested I sleep with him to get my grades up?!?

You HAVE to report this guy - i wonder how many other girls have been subjected to this, and how many future ones will be? Even if you sleep with him to improve your grades - you'd always regret it. YOU MUST REPORT HIM - explain you're worried about your grades and take it to the dean.

Is Goldman Sachs really any greedier than the mortgage applicants it dealt with?

Well Because they have been greedy for decades now I think its time to shut them down so I hope that the Government and the SEC can brings these frauds to justice I believe they have learned from their past mistakes.

I wagered with a friend that the Cle. Cav's wouldnt reach 57 wins this yr. there 24-16 now. There odds of 57w?

82g-57g=25 losses, season is almost half over and there sittin on 16 losses. Thinking off letting him off the hook, at %25 of wager, or bait him into double or not. Last season I bet my Det. Pistons, would win 65 and have best record in the NBA. So this is just a friendly rivarly here folks

Can I take him to the Doctor?

My nephew is 3 years old and has had a fever for 2 days now and a very bad cough and sounds very congested... His parents don't care enough to bring him to the doctor because a bong is more important. So, my question is can I bring him to his Doctor myself?

Jaqcues Kallis or Sachin Tendulkar.Who will be more influential for their team in the middle order?

there is no comparison b/w these two bcz they both are pearl for their sides , and they have their own value , but for me sachin was more influential dan kallis in middle order in test and opening in ODI. but i m not saying k Kallis have no power he also have that power which evry team need in their middle order ><

When can i leave the poker table?

In a cash game, you can leave after any hand (while you also can in a tournament, there's little reason to do so as long as you have chips since the chips themselves have no intrinsic value.) Note that leaving immediately after winning a big pot is often considered poor poker etiquette (it's a different story if you'd told the table previously you had a firm leave time and the last hand just happened to be a big win...the others might grumble a bit at your luck but that's all.)

Why did African Americans choose nonviolence?

During the civil rights movement (1955-1968), why didn't African Americans choose to be more militant against their oppressors? They had so many grievances - slavery, jim crow, lynching - for so many years. I would imagine that they would have been more aggressive in their resistance. Why did nonviolence become popular specifically during this era? I know it was developed under MLK but what about that time period made nonviolence an effective means of protest?

How to trademark a website name?

In Canada. Actually service mark not trademark because my website doesn't sell anything and makes its money off adds. Ive read about trademarking but cant find an way to to register. Can someone link to a website where I can register my website name



How come Native Americans complain about Indian mascots but Irish people never protested the Fighting Irish?

Fighting Irish sounds pretty racist, it reinforces the stereotype about Irish people getting drunk and getting into bar fights. How come nobody complains about that mascot?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the meaning of the Indian baby boy name "ISHANT"?

I can't find it either. I think it's just a variation on Ishaan. I'm guessing that Ishant Sharma's mother made his name up; derived from Ishaan. I did find Ishan, meaning "Guardian of the north-east" or "the Lord Sun". Usually names derived from one another have the same meaning, so I'm guessing it has the same meaning as Ishaan and Ishan.

Why do people hate Lil' Wayne so much?

I mean when people say stuff about him they never ever have a reason, all you get is "Lil' Wayne is garbage" or "Lil' Wayne is wack" < what the f*ck sort of reason is that for hating him so much? and I know someone will say it's because he calls himself the best rapper alive but he never said that before MTV called him that, and which rapper hasn't called themselves the best rapper alive? Plus "Tha Carter 3" had quite a few good tracks on it, and I bet none of you who call him garbage have ever listened to one of his albums so you're talking out ya backside

Why are the families of the 7/7 Bombers still living in Leeds and other UK cities?

To my mind, their right to a place in society was surrendered when their relatives committed that vile evil attrocity. Every relation of these evil beings should have been returned to their home country. This hasn't happened however, they (such as Sidique-Khan's wife) live among us in areas such as Beeston in Leeds and live off the state too. This country has gone mad.

I just got information saying I am eligible for Phi Theta Kappa.?

I am a 43 year woman who has returned to school, and was wondering if I should go ahead and join Phi Theta Kappa? What advantages will I receive if I do join?

When's the last time you sobbed uncontrollably at work?

Oh, man, that sucks. The Boss's doent is a worthless piece of crap, but man, maybe you can tilt the desk sideways and "forget about your problems," if you know what I mean.

Is Paris more than shopping, eating, and site-seeing?

My wife wants a well balance trip that includes some spa and wellness, a little shopping, no learning, good food, local shows, outdoor adventures and a standard of living is near or more than America. The Carribeans sadden her that they live below the standard of America like no marble and plasma TV. She is not bougie, she just want a good vacation. Is Paris the wrong place for us? Based on the criteria above where should we go. I'm afraid Paris doesnt offer enough outdoor adventure like ATV, caves and stuff.

Aching Muscles and bones?

I've just had intermediate/Junior athletics and I push my self as hard as i could and did really well, unfortunately i think i pushed my self a bit to hard and now i have sore knees, thighs, calves, hips, guts and a headache i have also have been coughing a little bit is any/all of this normal and if so is there any thing i can do to stop/prevent it.

Is this improper behavior from a guy?

Tonight my daughter went to a party with a group of teens. (5 boys and 3 girls) She said she was on her period during the party and had to use the bathroom but checked the toilet before she left the bathroom at her host's house (Jimmy) and it was clean or so she thought. She is always very sanitary. She said Jimmy came over and was talking to another girl at the party, Tina, and looked directly at my daughter while he was talking to Tina and said the girl who used the bathroom before me bled on the toilet seat. He kept talking about it over and over again and laughing. My daughter was mortified becuase she thought she had used the bathroom right before him. What was funny my daughter said was that he was not looking at Tina although Tina was answering him when they were takling, but instead starint right at my daughter meaningfully was like he was saying it was her and then my daughter was almost positive he was referring to her and she was like maybe I did get blood on the toilet. Anyway, do you think his talk was improper. He talked about it a long time and it mortified my daughter, who is only 16. What do you think?

I want to cook mole, but don't have Abuelita chocolate...can I?

I want to cook mole, but don't have Abuelita chocolate, but I do have regular Hershey's chocolate and of course I have the chicken and the Dona Maria brand Mole sauce. Should I omit the chocolate all together, or should I use my Hershey's chocolate?

I need some opinions?

What do you think of Veronica Augusta as a first and middle name? I refuse to budge on Veronica, so no comments on that if you hate it. Augusta is honoring.

Is Ke$ha The Signer Married Or Egaged Or In Any Realashionship?

In her TiK ToK music video I see a ring on the finger where she gets married and stuff, please answer?

How does Catherine manipulate her father edgar and nelly?

She's pouty and whiny and she justs bugs them until she gets what she wants. I spent three months researching this for a paper, and I still think that that's what she did. You can look at Sparknotes, too, though.

Name ideas for the new babes?

it sounds like you like unusual names i thing aiden is a nice name for a boy and for a girl how about tia, mia, lizzy or something like that. hope it helps good luck :)

I have granddaughter,she has a baby,not married to father. his parents has told him to sue for full custody of?

unless she can be proved to be unfit, that's not going to happen. shared custody could indeed happen.

How much does it cost to transport a horse from Germany?

I am looking at a horse in Germany how much would it coast to transport one from Czech Republic into Alabama?

What is the TV (Television) schedule for Mexico's (U-22 +5 older players) Copa America team's friendlies?

From what I understand, Univision will broadcast the game against Venezuela. As for the games in South America, depending on the scheduling of both games, Univision will also broadcast the games, either through Telefutura or Galavision.

Could the tone of the following paragraph from romeo and juliet be of "indignation"?

I suppose you could say that the Prince was indignant. I would say that he is more outraged than anything, though. Indignant doesn't quite convey the anger that he felt at the feud between the two families.

What is the average age of menopause?

I'm 40 now with no symptoms but wondering when this will all start for me. I can't wait to not have periods anymore.

What songs should i listen to?

i'm like obsessed with music. i'm adding songs to my playlist. i have about 150 songs. Anyways i want more songs. My favourite radio station is kiss 92.5. I like most of the songs that play on kiss 92.5. But like I said I want more songs. All I'm asking is for you to name a few songs I would like to listen to. I like songs with a good beat. I don't really like country, soft , or rap songs. I also don't like eminem or bruno mars so don't list any of thier songs cuz i'll get bored of listening to it lmao. So i usualky like pop i'll like any other genre as long at it has a good beat. So plz list a few songs that you'll think i like. <3 =D

HOw long for cycling tank??

I have a Tetra water wonders 1.5 gallon tank and im wondering how long it takes to cylce and i can't get those testers for ammonia so in the tank i have one small male guppies. platy, glow tetra,and 1 of some little really tiny fishy. before i had two small goldfish at first put the tank but now i took them out cuz i saw bubbles on the rim of the tank and i read about this topic of the bubbles and said it was ammonia from the goldfish waste cuz they crap like crazyand some bubbly foam around the filter on the corners. ill give u a pic and/or a video of my tank? gimme ur email and ill send it to u. the water is foggy and the bubles are moslty gone now. So plz help ! Thanks

What happens to a pendulum if the length of the string increases?

Will the frequency, speed, or anything else also increase? So far i noticed that Time per period and total time of swinging is also increased, while number of total swings is decreased. Am I correct?

What do you think about the worlds best bowler, Muththaiah Muralidharan?

He stops test cricket playing after the match going on between Sri Lanka & India. So what do you think about this great cricketer?

Most interesting answer gets best(answer realistically)?

The year is 2030 and most of the worlds resources are scarce.All of the worlds economy and government has collapsed.Most of The united states is under Anarchy and the rest is under either military dictatorship or Theocracy(where the religious leader is also government leader). You are a 19 year old boy living in upstate new york and it is almost the end of summer. Your mom died two ears ago in the winter and your dad is in his late 80's. Your dad has the only gun in the county. Your cutting up the remaining carpet from the floor when you here a gunshot. You go downstairs and you see you dads gun.You hear another shot.The gun shot sounds about a mile away.No cars work.What would you do?

Really Stupid People?

That's so funny! I love the one about the robber who actually called the police. I've never heard it before! Thanks for the laugh.

Post apocalyptic novel?

Hi guys. I have been inspired by several sources that are centred around modern civilisation being threatened by a plague, like Survivors (BBC) and The Stand (Stephen King). I am not so concerned with the apocalyptic theme although that is central to the story (which will be a short one perhaps a novella) but what I am more interested in is how people will continue afterwards. How would we eat? How would we keep warm? How would we continue family? What about the freedom? What about the silence? The lack of communication? The pureness and opportunity of the world without billions of people. I am more concerned with the drama. Is this a good idea? Should I write this even though it has been done by several people already? I feel like I can have my own twist to it even though its a recurring idea. If I am to write this the plague will be completely natural and not man-made as so many of the plagues are. I am basing it on the Spanish Flu which so many people feel to have forgotten. I am going to play on the panic that the swine flu caused. Is this good?