Friday, August 12, 2011

Once you hit rock bottom...where do you make your next step?

I feel like I am there and if not close to it. I've lost the woman I loved, actually she ran off with someone else, I can't get a job because of a possession charge in Washington, mind you there were only three grams of cannabis, my friends aren't the best people to go to, they suck. I have no motivation to go out and meet people, every time I do they love drugs or alcohol. I have my family on my shoulders, they are useless. I have a truck that I need to get rid of, get a hybrid or something fuel efficient. Russia is provoking, or we are provoking, I'm not sure yet, but World War 3. Every time I try to spark conversation, the person turns into an idiot, I mean I bring up the Georgia conflict and people think I am talking about Atlanta. The only people I can vent to are through a screen or pay insane amounts of money to a shrink. What is this world coming too? Is there anyone who wants to hop into a spaceship with me and take the _ _ _ _ off?

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