Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do people think drilling is longer than hydrogen?

I think that you expect immediate drilling to solve the problem for the near future and lower prices rapidly. I do agree with an increase in drilling, but do not expect rapid and great results. The oil would go on the world market, controlled by OPEC and the big oil companies. The Chinese and the rest of the world are increasing their usage, so this new oil will just keep us going with no real surplus. Hydrogen has some problems and will require great changes in our technology and machinery. We should have done a lot more in the past to conserve and develop more alternatives, but we as a people had cheap energy and just used it as if there were no end, driving gas guzzlers, building huge houses, heating and air conditioning in record levels, etc. I have heard Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives ridicule small cars and ridicule the green movement. Conservatives have pushed business at the expense of conservation and the environment. It is all coming back at them even if they don't admit it.

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