Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is this improper behavior from a guy?

Tonight my daughter went to a party with a group of teens. (5 boys and 3 girls) She said she was on her period during the party and had to use the bathroom but checked the toilet before she left the bathroom at her host's house (Jimmy) and it was clean or so she thought. She is always very sanitary. She said Jimmy came over and was talking to another girl at the party, Tina, and looked directly at my daughter while he was talking to Tina and said the girl who used the bathroom before me bled on the toilet seat. He kept talking about it over and over again and laughing. My daughter was mortified becuase she thought she had used the bathroom right before him. What was funny my daughter said was that he was not looking at Tina although Tina was answering him when they were takling, but instead starint right at my daughter meaningfully was like he was saying it was her and then my daughter was almost positive he was referring to her and she was like maybe I did get blood on the toilet. Anyway, do you think his talk was improper. He talked about it a long time and it mortified my daughter, who is only 16. What do you think?

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